
Design talk: Through the funhouse mirror – reflections, transformation and design

The talk ‘Through the funhouse mirror – self storage, collection and display in the age of overconsumption’ took place in the Rimadesio London flagship store.

Talking About 2023. Back to Modernity: present

A FLUID CONCEPT: COMPLEXITY AND TURNOVER. Marco Sammicheli in conversation with Emilia Terragni.

Talking About 2023. Back To Modernity, past

IN PURSUIT OF A NEW LIFESTYLE. Stefano Salis in conversation with Giuseppe Lupo.

Back to Modernity

Modernity according to Stefano Salis, Maria Cristina Didero, Giuseppe Lupo, and Deyan Sudjic.

Talking About 2019. Living the Luxury: new languages of contemporary architecture

A conversation between Luca Molinari and Antonio Citterio that aims to examine an Italian idea of luxury and fineness, one that is attentive and responsible, a true reflection of the times we live in.

Interview: Talking About 2019. Luxury and Storytelling: when print meets digital

Emanuele Farneti, Editor in Chief of Vogue Italia meets Riccardo Pozzoli, Creative Director of Condè Nast Social Talent Agency.

Interview: Talking About 2019. At the roots of Luxury: when numbers become experience

Nicoletta Polla-Mattiot, Editor In Chief of How to Spend It and “IL”, publications from the editorial group Il Sole 24 Ore, meets Stefano Zecchi, philosopher and writer, Marco Turinetto, professor and university researcher

Talking About 2019

Rimadesio presents a new series of “Talking About” meetings. A program of events dedicated to the thought on the contemporary conception of luxury, created in collaboration with How to spend it, Vogue Italia and Platform magazine.

Conversation with Giuseppe Bavuso

I met Davide Malberti in 1986 at a dinner in Cologne. We were the youngest ones around the table. We immediately clicked and this brought us together to design a number of small, primarily glass accessories, which were in line with the company’s product range at the time.

Talking About 2018 #ILoveMilano

Introduction by Simona Finessi and Luca Molinari: Juan Conde, Giacomo De Amicis, Matteo Fantoni, Francesco Fresa, Michele Rossi, Claudio Saverino, Claudio Silvestrin and Paolo Volpato, talk about their own personal take on Milan.

Talking About 2018 Contract & Progetto

What exactly is meant by contract? How does it fit into the notion of the project and in the different contexts in which it is applied? From hospitality to the workplace, from schools and museums to skyscrapers: Gianluca Peluffo (Gianluca Peluffo & Partners), Alessandro Adamo, (DEGW, the brand of Lombardini 22), Marco Casamonti (Archea Associati), give … More

Conversation with Yoko Miura

I have been working with Rimadesio for some years now. I am extremely satisfied with the balanced relationship we have and the positive exchange of meaning and value that has gradually been enhanced between Rimadesio’s pieces and my works.

Talking About 2018 Fashion and Design

Is there any difference between fashion and design? How do these two worlds interact, how do they co-exist in a city like Milan where they are so influential? Michele Lupi, the editorial director of Icon and Icon Design, talks to Paul Smith and Alberto Alessi.

Talking About 2018

Rimadesio presents a series of events dedicated to the world of design and of the project in general, developed in collaboration with Icon and Icon Design, Area and Platform

Talking About Style: Luca Solca talks with Michele Lupi

In the design world the term Style used to have a negative meaning, while today it implies a constitutive and fundamental part of any creative work.

Talking About Technology: Angelo Cangelosi talks with Matteo Pirola

What would be, in the near future, the technological applications that will mostly affect our daily life?

Talking About Ecology: Marco Belpoliti talks with Stefano Salis

Marco Belpoliti describes the birth and the etymological meaning of the term “ecology”, as well as its developments and environmental implications.

Talking About Architecture: Beppe Finessi talks with Marco Romanelli

The interiors are now considered as spaces to be filled rather than be defined: this is the theory expressed by Beppe Finessi and Marco Romanelli during the first (out of  four) “Talking about…” event, that took place on May 25th at the Rimadesio Theatre in Milan.

Talking About 2017

The talks are scheduled in the Rimadesio Theatre in Milan during spring/fall 2017.

Rimadesio sixtieth anniversary

Rimadesio achieves the 60th anniversary and chooses to celebrate  with four ‘unusual’ meetings, which took place in Milan showroom.