

The company’s headquarters are organized over a 30,000 square meter area and is the core location of the strategic activities of the brand: from production to logistic and commercial management through to the diverse marketing and communication activities. Our headquarters, just as every other dimension in our organization, reflect a clear and precise vision. We are convinced that the quality of the work environment, the professionalism and team satisfaction are essential requirements for ensuring the quality of our products.


Structured on different themes and levels of deepening, R-Academy represents a fundamental path to acquire the technical know-how made necessary by the high degree of company innovation and therefore to allow to grasp all the design potential of the collections. Located inside Giussano's showroom, the space dedicated to R-Academy is equipped with an integrated system, fundamental to express all the qualities of the proposal: from the different technical components to the exclusive mechanisms, from infographic panels to samples of the material collection in different ways and sizes.


Production of energy from renewable sources, circularity in the use of materials, containment of plastic and consumption in general, production efficiency, company welfare, support of the territory: these are the areas to which Rimadesio dedicates its daily commitment. A program of constant research and investment, an expression of a precise vision that considers quality to be a fundamental objective and a balance with the environment and people to be an essential condition.

Ethical Code

The Board of Directors of Rimadesio has approved the Governance and Control Manual that contains the Ethical Code of Conduct and the Organisational Rules applied inside the company.

Health, safety, environment

Alongside its long-term focus on environmental issues, the company is dedicated to occupational health and safety. Rimadesio has always been committed to creating, maintaining and improving a healthy and safe work environment for its employees and any third parties involved.

Data and Reports

Investments, workforce, distribution, turnover: every aspect of Rimadesio reality is represented through data and charts that allow to grasp in detail the constant and progressive evolution.