Attention to the environment is a prerogative inherent in the Rimadesio’s DNA: from the production of solar energy by photovoltaic panels, to the conversion of the company fleet to electric power; from the processing of 100% recyclable materials such as aluminium and glass, to the use of only water-based paints, up to the total elimination of polystirene, replaced with recycled cardboard which is itself completely recyclable. Rimadesio’s challenge is based on research, innovation and increasing investment: a concrete and tangible commitment, which is summarized in precise data.
number of solar panels installed on the roof of the production plant, for a total power of 1.27 MWp. The cost of the investment has exceeded 3.8 million euros.
17329012.81 kWh
energy produced by Rimadesio photovoltaic installations from 2008 to date.
11263858.33 Kg
carbon dioxide that Rimadesio has not dispersed into the atmosphere since 2008 (about 800 tons of CO2 per year).
130 ton
total weight of aluminium waste produced in 2020 and sent for recycling. The company also uses recycled aluminium from Italian production plants.
300 ton
total weight of glass waste produced by Rimadesio in 2020. The discarded glass is entirely recycled through a fusion process at 1600° which allows its endless reuse.
9,7 ton
annual consumption of polystyrene eliminated from the production cycle and replaced with 100% recycled and recyclable cardboard packaging.
160 ton
total weight of cardboard waste produced by packaging and transformed into compact bales, destined for the production of quality recycled paper through a low environmental impact process.
17329012.81 kWh
Rimadesio is the first company in Italy that uses only ecological water-based paints. Ecolorsystem is the name that marks the exclusive collection of Rimadesio lacquered glasses painted in 3 dedicated plants.
Solar Energy
Rimadesio is the first furniture company that installs a large-size photovoltaic system, consisting of 1664 panels with a total power of 382.72 kWp. The following extensions in 2012 and 2016, bring the company system to 5242 solar panels with a current total power of 1270 kWp. This is the biggest photovoltaic system in the Italian furniture field.
Rimadesio installs a fully automatic ecological packaging system and its related warehouse. Made of 90% recycled materials, the packaging is 100% recyclable in accordance with the European Directive 94/62/CE: "minimized weight and volume, no use of dangerous materials and complete recovery of the packaging".
Installation of the software that monitors the power consumption of Rimadesio production plant and offices.
The growing request of uniformity among finishes for components, led the company to equip itself with a new aluminum painting system which uses only ecological water-based paints.
Installation of a new heating and cooling system for offices and showroom located in Rimadesio headquarters. The system is based on a heat pump powered by electrical energy mostly produced by the company photovoltaic plant.
The 4.800 sqm rooftop of the production building is renovated with insulating material and special waterproofing sheaths. Main objectives: reduction in the consumption and energy saving.
50% of the production area is equipped with led lights with a low environmental impact. The project culminates in 2018 with the replacement of all the lighting fixtures.
The first storage system in Europe in the industrial field is installed in January. Samsung lithium-ion batteries manage a nominal power of 100 kW. A second storage system with next generation LG lithium batteries is installed in July. By the end of the month the total collected energy reaches 237 kW. This is the biggest storage system in Europe connected to an industrial photovoltaic system. Main objective: internal energy management through the company solar plants.
In 2017 Rimadesio installs a charging station, able to manage the energy produced by the company's photovoltaic system: this is the starting point of a 100% power conversion program towards company's electric and hybrid transport vehicles. With the 150,000 km traveled since the current 7 electric vehicles entered into service, Rimadesio has avoided the emission into the atmosphere of 19 tons of carbon dioxide."
Rimadesio has started a program for a gradual reduction of plastic in the office, products and productive cycle. Where possible, the program includes the use of recycled plastic; the replacement with alternative materials, such as recycled cardboard for packaging; the cellophane disposal through a quality recycling process. Already today the polystyrene has been completely removed from production cycle and replaced by 100% recycled cardboard items, thus allowing to avoid the annual use of 9.7 tons of material derived from oil."
160,000 kg cardboard are discarded annually from Rimadesio production cycle. Until 2018, the cardboard derived from packaging was delivered to the reuse site as waste. Today, the cardboard leftover (90% already recycled) is pressed inside Rimadesio factory with a special machine, transformed into compact bales and then sent to the paper mills for reuse in the production of recycled paper with low environmental impact, complying with the D.LGS.152/06 requirements. The entire cycle which starts from the quality control of cardboard waste up to the production of the recycled paper, conforms UNI EN 643.
To further reduce cardboard waste, Rimadesio has invested in a second line for automatic packaging, after the one inaugurated in 2008. The first line is dedicated to panels, while the second one is designed to pack the most voluminous products, such as chests of drawers, shelves, accessories, and furniture, with the least possible cardboard waste.
The packaging, made of 90% recycled cardboard and still 100% recyclable, complies with European Directive 94/62/EC. The new plant is directly connected with the corporate IT system, receiving all the information necessary for the just-in-time production process.
As of January 2020, the company has decided to provide a monthly bonus to each employee who goes to work by electric car, on foot, by bike or e-bike. The aim is to encourage the adoption of green habits, aimed at reducing urban traffic and polluting emissions thanks to a mobility benefit. In addition, employees can recharge their electric/hybrid cars for free by connecting them to 8 columns installed in the headquarters parking. The charging stations are entirely powered by solar energy produced by Rimadesio photovoltaic system.
Rimadesio has installed a new plant for the purification and recycling of glass-processing wastewater in an effort to significantly reduce water consumption and the associated industrial discharge. The new closed-cycle system includes a micro-filtering activity that enables water to be reused in the same working processes with constant quality control in accordance with the strictest safety standards.