
Is it possible to identify a Company’s DNA? Rimadesio thinks so and identified the following components of its DNA: Architecture, Technology, Ecology, Style.

Aware of the complexity of the meaning involved by the four words mentioned above, we decided to investigate it by inviting some experts in cultural fields related to design. The talks are scheduled in the Rimadesio Theatre in Milan during spring/fall 2017. We are almost sure that specifyng a DNA is a process that requires a clear vision about our mission, finely-tuned between purposes and results. By doing this, we aim to place a clear statement in the contemporary design debate.


Thanks to: ArperLoewe

Teatro Rimadesio
Flagship store Milano
via Visconti di Modrone 26
tel 02 76280708
[email protected]

25 May

Beppe Finessi, architect, was born in Ferrara in 1966. Associated professor at the Politecnico di Milano, previously editor of Abitare and director of Inventario since 2010. He edited exhibitions and publications concerning the work of Italian design masters like Munari, Mangiarotti, Castiglioni, Magistretti and Mendini, but also contemporary designers like Ulian, Iacchetti, Novembre.


Marco Romanelli, designer and critic, was born in Trieste in 1958. Editor of Domus and Abitare, among his writings, the most noticeable are the monographs on Gio Ponti, Joe Colombo, Gino Sarfatti, Ico Parisi, Bruno Munari, Paolo Ulian and Umberto Riva. As a designer, with Marta Laudani, he worked for some of the most famous Italian Companies like Driade, O luce, Glas and Fiam.

The space first of all: “interiors” lessons of Italian masters of architecture.
Rimadesio stands out, compared to other brands, for the peculiar care that it pays to interiors layouts instead of interiors accessories. Thus, it is not matter of filling a space with furniture pieces, rather defining the space itself. According to this vision, it arises a clear reference to the great season of Italian design masters like Franco Albini, Carlo Mollino, Ignazio Gardella, Nanda Vigo. Such references stand nowadays as a manifesto. Discover more.

6 July

Marco Belpoliti, born in Reggio Emilia in 1954, is professor at the Università di Bergamo. He published many books among which recently with Guanda: Primo Levi di fronte e di profilo and La prova. He edited the Meridiano for the writings by Gianni Celati and, with Einaudi, Primo Levi’s Opere complete. He contributes to several journals and magazines and he edits, with others, Riga (Marcos y Marcos) and


Stefano Salis, was born in Sant’Antioco in 1970. He is an expert in several fields like editing graphics, bibliophily, literature and design. Journalist for Il Sole 24 Ore, he writes every week on the Domenicale’s Mirabilia column about book covers, exhibitions or personalities. He is also editor-in-chief of Commenti & Inchieste section.

100% eco – friendly new meanings and different involvements.
The environmental awareness, key component of Rimadesio’s DNA, should be nowadays a “must”, eventually strengthened following the latest technological innovations, in any case isuch a theme cannot be ignored. As a matter of fact, the ecological approach is just partially shared, thus it is crucial, and almost vital, to talk about it. But this is not enough: it is also necessary to extend the use of the word ecology to new and unexpected fields. Discover more.

28 September

Angelo Cangelosi, born in Alcamo in 1967, is Artificial Intelligence and Cognition professor and Director at the Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems at Plymouth University (UK). He recently published for MIT Press, with Matt Schlesinger, Developmental Robotics: From Babies to Robots. Since 2014 he is working on the projectTHRIVE (US Air Force Office of Science and Research).


Matteo Pirola, architect, PhD, was born in Cernusco sul Naviglio in 1975. He is professor of interior design and history of architecture at the Politecnico di Milano. He works as a critic, curator and researcher on contemporary art, design and architecture.

Man – robot: interactions: work in progress.
Technology for Rimadesio is a valuable tool, but it has to be silent. This means that Rimadesio never works with a selfish virtuosity, but finds the proper solutions following a process of review of the goals achieved. Thus, technology is a key to preserve and improve Mankind. The aim of the latest technologies in every field, such as biomedicine, robotics, psychology and quantum physics, is to build our future. Discover more.

26 October

Luca Solca, born in Milano in 1963, he is trained in Economics and works as a fashion analyst. Director of Exane, Luxury Goods Company, part of the group BNP Paribas. He also writes for the website The Business of Fashion.


Michele Lupi was born in Milano in 1965 and in 1994 worked as Rizzoli’s correspondent in New York City. Since 1999 he is part of the GQ Italia team. In 2003 he founded Rolling Stone Italia. Editor-in-chief of GQ Italia (2006-2011), Icon and Flair (2014). In 2015 he launched the magazine Icon Design.

Colors and finishings a parallel universerelated to form and function.
Style, for long considered a negative word in the design debate, is nowadays positively referred to all the characteristics of the brand identity. Thus, the style can be defined as the combination of the project’s key elements and their specific finishings. Such finishings are special tools that follow, but also anticipate, the designer’s work. How is it possible to forecast colors and finishings trends? Discover more.

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