Milano, Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2017

Abacus living, Long Island tables

Zenit bookcase, Manta table, Self bold sideboard, Eos shelves

Zenit bookcase, Manta table, Self bold suspended unit, Eos shelves

Manta table, Zenit bookcase, Self bold sideboard

Zenit bookcase, Self bold suspended unit, Eos shelves

Wind and Opus bookcases

Self bold suspended unit, Wind bookcase

Opus bookcase, Moon door, Wind bookcase

Moon door detail, alluminio palladio structure and gres porcellanato petra

Sail sliding system, Alambra monetiere, Manta table, Self bold sideboard

Abacus living

Abacus living details, glossy nero opaco glasses, rovere termotrattato suspended units

Alambra sideboard, Long Island table, Abacus living

Alambra sideboard, Long Island table, Abacus living

Long Island table, Ala drawers cabinet, Soho sliding panels

Ala drawers cabinet, Soho sliding panels

Ala drawers cabinet with alluminio bronzo structure, top in bronzo mat glass, doors in clear reflective glass and walnut drawers

Ala drawers cabinet with alluminio bronzo structure, top in bronzo mat glass, doors in clear reflective glass and walnut drawers

Self bold suspended unit, Alambra suspended cabinet, Long Island table, Ala drawers cabinet, Soho sliding systems

Self bold suspended unit, Alambra display

Soho sliding panels, Long Island table, Self bold suspended unit, Alambra displays

Self bold detail with marble top noir saint laurent, alluminio bronzo spazzolato structure and glossy moro glasses

Alambra display case with bronzo aluminum structure and clear reflective glass, grey mirror back panel and shelf in amaranto glossy glass

Soho sliding panels, Long Island table, Self bold suspended unit, Alambra displays

Cover freestanding in alluminio brown and doors in grey transparent glasses,Cover storage system with grey mirror doors and gress porcellanato petra

Cover freestanding storage unit, Cover storage system

Dress bold walk-in closet, velaria and soho sliding panels

Soho sliding panels, Planet coffee tables

Velaria sliding panels, Dress bold walk-in closet

Velaria sliding panels, Dress bold walk-in closet

Velaria sliding panels, Dress bold walk-in closet

Detail of Dress bold walk-in closet
The exhibit space is conceived as the ideal stage for a storytelling based on solid proposals and solutions developed through a year of designing and testing.
Rimadesio presents its new products, rich in details and exclusive finishings, in order to implement design solutions for the highest demanding public of Salone del Mobile. This collection represents a further implementation of a design concept based on a sophisticated vision, a balanced proposal between architectural and furniture design, technical evolution and stylistic research.
Design by Giuseppe Bavuso.
Thanks to: Amini Carpets, Carl Hansen & Son, DCW édition, Flos, Henge, Kundalini, MLA Selection Green, Nemo Lighting, Oluce, Salvatori